Launching Collaborate

Using Heroku and Google Cloud

Important: Using a service like Google Cloud and Heroku requires some technical knowledge, and while the service has a free tier, you may incur charges when using it. You’ll be responsible for paying for, maintaining and backing up your own Collaborate instance. ProPublica will not have access to it (or even know that it exists). Shutting your instance down may cause you to lose data. You should make sure you understand how to use this or any cloud service before relying on it.

Using Your Own Server

If you set up Collaborate on your own server, you'll need your developer to make a small addition in order for data to update dynamically from Google Sheets and Screendoor. If you don't do this, Collaborate will only import a limited number of records from each data source.

To set up the background fetcher, your system needs to run the built in management command refresh_data_sources. On the command line, it's ran like this:

./ refresh_data_sources

This will go through each data source and update any existing records and import new ones, without a limit on the maximum number of records.

This should be set up as a cron job, and here is an example cron line that developers can use. It assumes Collaborate is installed at /opt/collaborative/app and python virtual env at /opt/collaborative/venv. Developers should add the file to /etc/crontab.

Once you've done this, then Collaborate will be able to import data sources of any size.

Last updated